Monday, December 22, 2008

For God So Loved the World

As Christians, we hold dearly onto those awesome and comforting words in John 3:16. This is probably the single most memorized verse in the entire Bible. We find the reference on t-shirts, books, bulletins, and many other places in our day to day lives. I often wonder why God loved the world so much that He would choose to do this. This past weekend I went to a gathering of God's faithful and I was reminded that the reason Jesus was born into the world was so that He could go to the cross to gain our salvation. I was reminded of a thought that has been consuming me for the past few weeks. You see, we all know that God is omniscient and He is not bound by the restrictions of time and space as we are. We understand that God knows what will happen before it happens. God already knows what choices we will face today and the decisions we will make in those choices. God knew before he even created Adam and Eve that they would eat the fruit of the tree. Does this mean that God knew that Jesus would have to die on a cross to gain our salvation before he even created the world and all that is in it? If God is truly omniscient then He must have, yet He chose to create it anyway. How many of us would even choose to have children if we knew that we would have to die for them before we decided to parent them? Surely anyone who has children loves them so much that they would die for them if they faced that decision, but that emotional bond formed after they were born. I can't imagine having faced that decision before deciding to be a parent, and I likewise can't imagine God creating a world and people that He knew He would have to send his one and only Son to die in order to save.

How humbling this thought is. God's love is so strong that He decided to create a world that He would have to die for in order to save from our own free will. How could we ever doubt God's love when we think of it this way?

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